The Vortex – Advanced Salsa Pattern
Your new combo this week is an advanced Salsa pattern we named the Vortex. The Vortex is a fun pattern that involves quite a few turns for both the guys and gals. The Vortex starts out with a hand toss and spirals into a series of walk-arounds, ending with a cross-body outside pivot for the ladies.
Leads, as you go through this pattern, you will notice that you are constantly orbiting your partner. During your series of walk arounds, you’ll have to stay focused in your movement if you’re going to make it all the way your partner successfully. Luckily, we have a great tip to help you out with this.
Follows, this pattern consists of a set of two inside turn variations followed by an outside pivot. Scarlet has prepared a full video tutorial dedicated to teaching you the details of this combo from the lady’s perspective.
Check out the demo above and then go login or become a member now to give the full lesson a try!
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