What Is the Fastest Way to Progress My Salsa Dancing?
Hey everybody, Patrick here once again from the Dance Dojo.
Today, I’m going to be addressing a question we had from one of our online students and that is…
Hey everybody, Patrick here once again from the Dance Dojo.
Today, I’m going to be addressing a question we had from one of our online students and that is…
We frequently get the question, “When should I start social dancing?” Our answer is always the same. Do it immediately. Read more →
When learning how to salsa dance, we often worry too much about our partners and not enough about what we’re doing ourselves.
In this tip we’ll explain how, as a follow, worrying less about the lead and focusing on framing yourself can actually improve your ability to respond to his signals.
When dancing Salsa, the rule of thumb is to keep your elbows in front of and outside of your hips at all times.
Regardless of which direction you choose to lead (or are being lead in), maintain that proper elbow-to-hip relationship and it’ll enhance the success of your dances. Why? Read more →
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Patrick was dancing with a male student who was using an excessive form of the “spider-man grip.” It felt forced, seemed unnecessary and fueled this tip. Read more →