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Dance Dojo Heads To Stanford to Speak at Design for Dance

Tomorrow we’re off to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California to present at BJ Fogg’s Design 4 Dance conference.

BJ Fogg runs the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford, where he and his team carry out cutting-edge behaviour design research in areas where they believe major shifts are about to occur in our society. Yes, they believe dance is next.

This year’s conference is all about “The First Five” – sharing core strategies on designing the first five minutes of people’s dance experience to get them feeling:

“Yes I can do this,”
“Yes this dance is for me,”
“Yes this app is for me,”
“Yes this website is for me,”
“Yes this experience is for me,”
“I can do this,”
“I will do this!”
“Hell yeah that was awesome, I’m coming back!”

Design 4 Dance isn’t about persuading people of the benefits of dance, that’s understood already. The conference’s main goal is summed by the question:

“How can we get more people dancing?”

More specifically, people who already have the desire and ability to dance.

Behaviour design 101:

Help people do what they already want to do

I’m an analytical thinker, so my goal was to frame how people can approach designing the first five minutes of someone’s dance experience. I decided on the theme:

Get them coming back: a framework for designing the first five minutes


Stay tuned for a recap on Design for Dance of the event and my presentation.

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